Our founders

Nicolas MELAN, co-founder of Nickel-Chrome + Head of European design team

Nicolas MELAN

Co-founder + Head of European design team

Nicolas MÉLAN is a French indus­tri­al design­er with 18 years of exper­i­ence in design and pro­ject man­age­ment. He is a lec­turer about design & strategy in Hong Kong and China since 2010. He lives in Guangdong (China) since 2006.

Nicolas is a value cre­at­or who com­bines the expert­ise of an in-house design­er and a seni­or con­sult­ant design­er. He is calm, curi­ous, as enthu­si­ast­ic as demand­ing, and from turn to turn meth­od­ic­al and intu­it­ive, but always prag­mat­ic. He has a very strong know-how of the tech­nic­al & oper­a­tion­al exe­cu­tion pro­cess from the first idea to its man­u­fac­tur­ing, but also the stra­tegic & ana­lyt­ic mind of a design consultant.

Nicolas estab­lishes the design dir­ec­tions and man­ages all pro­jects at Nickel‑Chrome, includ­ing the super­vi­sion of follow-up with factor­ies. He is also in charge of the com­mu­nic­a­tion with all European cli­ents and/or for pro­jects which are inten­ded for the European market.

Maggie LEE, Co-founder of Nickel-Chrome + Chief Operating Officer

Maggie LEE

Co-founder + Chief Operating Officer

Maggie LEE, is a Chinese entre­pren­eur with 16 years of exper­i­ence in R&D, pro­ject man­age­ment and man­u­fac­tur­ing. She is a lec­turer in innov­a­tion & pro­ject man­age­ment since 2010 at the uni­ver­sity of busi­ness school for entrepreneurs.

Maggie LEE leads the research and devel­op­ment of 100 products every year and has a deep under­stand­ing and a strong exper­i­ence in pro­ject man­age­ment. In R&D phase, she put a great emphas­is on risk assess­ment, and in order to meet the needs of con­sumers, she always looks for the per­fect com­bin­a­tion of tech­no­lo­gies and mar­ket needs.

Maggie has a strong exper­i­ence of the whole product oper­a­tion sys­tem. She is exper­i­enced in FMEA, SOP, BOM, APQP, PPAP and ECN man­age­ment to provide high-quality products to our cus­tom­ers. She has cooper­ated with stra­tegic cli­ents such as Ikea, Philips, Aldi, B&Q, Marset, Tchibo… and most of the cli­ents who have cooper­ated with Maggie have main­tained a part­ner­ship with her for more than 10 years.