Where are we based?


N°2 Building, 56 Lanzhang Road, Nansha District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 511480, CHINA

Finding us on Apple Maps

  • Main dir­ect line: +86 4000 88 1336
  • Contact in French: contact-fr (at sym­bol) ni-cr.fr
  • Contact in English: contact-en (at sym­bol) ni-cr.com
  • Contact in Chinese: contact-cn (at sym­bol) ni-cr.com
Nickel-Chrome is based in China, Guangdong, Guangzhou

Contact us to:

  • get a quotation,
  • get new ideas and innov­ate with new products,
  • optim­ise your designs for a more effi­cient manufacturing,
  • design, engin­eer & man­u­fac­ture your new products, faster and safer.

To avoid bots from send­ing us unwanted spams, we use a captacha. If, des­pite your efforts, you can­’t reach us through this form, you can send us an e‑mail at the above adresses.

You can also register to our newsletter.

We will keep you pos­ted with strategy, design, engin­eer­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing art­icles as well as import­ant news from our side, or our latest and most excit­ing work.