Abbott Nutrition

Milk powder dispenser for elderly — innovation study

Nickel-Chrome signs the design of a new product concept for Abbott: a milk powder dis­penser for the eld­erly. Abbott is an inter­na­tion­al health­care com­pany ded­ic­ated to improv­ing health through the devel­op­ment of products and tech­no­lo­gies that cov­er dif­fer­ent thera­peut­ic areas.

The object­ive of the pro­ject was to pro­pose an innov­at­ive product in which a box of milk powder is inser­ted and very eas­ily allows an eld­erly per­son to get the right amount of for­mula accur­ately each time (54gr).

Backstage of the project

Market ana­lys­is

During the ana­lys­is phase, the agency first defined, from the user exper­i­ence point of view, the prob­lems that could be encountered by the eld­erly: ease of use, prob­lems with arth­rit­is in the hands, prob­lems with vis­ion, ergo­nom­ics fit­ting eld­ers, ease of set­ting up the milk powder can, maintenance.

Trend & Design research

This new product had to fit in the kit­chen, in a small appli­ances uni­verse, by adapt­ing the design codes of the uni­verse of well­ness & health products.