
IP67 LED lighting fixture range — innovation study

The primary goal for the cre­ation of this range of light­ing fix­tures was to find ways to stream­line man­u­fac­tur­ing and reduce pro­duc­tion costs, while offer­ing a sleek design. Our design­ers also had to find solu­tions to facil­it­ate the install­a­tion of the equip­ment and reduce their install­a­tion time. This install­a­tion time was very import­ant in this study, because when it is neces­sary to equip a build­ing or a park­ing lot of hun­dreds of devices, the reduc­tion of the labor costs related to their install­a­tion, is a cru­cial factor in the pur­chase decision. Initially, the light­ing fix­tures were bound to be cer­ti­fied IP65, but finally the range was cer­ti­fied IP67, its design allow­ing a high­er rat­ing of pro­tec­tion against water/humidity.

The body of the light­ing fix­ture is extruded in bi-material (opaque for the body, and translus­cent to let the light), to reduce man­u­fac­tur­ing costs, and ensure a bet­ter seal. With this mode of indus­tri­al­iz­a­tion, a single mold is enough for the 3 sizes of products.

Exploded view of the product before the follow-up work with engineers.

Backstage of the project

Design require­ments

At the start of the pro­ject, we worked with AlverLamp on the defin­i­tion of the product, and we iden­ti­fied the import­ance to give on the time needed and eas­i­ness to assembly and mount the products.

Market ana­lys­is

Excerpt from ana­lys­is mar­ket, with from left to right, part of the ana­lys­is of dir­ect com­pet­it­ors, a visu­al­iz­a­tion of the uni­verse of ref­er­ence, and a part of our trend boards.

Initial concept A, entry-level positioning

For this pro­ject, we have also giv­en spe­cial atten­tion to the pos­i­tion­ing, work­ing on three levels of positioning.

This concept offers an archi­tec­ture that is all in con­tinu­ity with the extru­sion dir­ec­tion. It is simple, and shows a good bal­ance of strict­ness and soft­ness, the design being very round (oblong shape), but its round­ness is coun­ter­bal­anced by the strict­ness of the cap flat end and attach­ment parts. The body and cap are shiny white plastic, and the attach­ment are stand­ing out in chrome. Screws and bolts are vis­ible, to look a bit more tech­nic­al. The brand­ing is applied on the part that holds the alu­min­um plate sup­port­ing LED, which is inside the extru­sion shell, that way, the print­ing is always clean and vis­ible, behind the trans­par­ency shell of the product.

Initial concept B, mid-range positioning

This concept offers a very robust and simple archi­tec­ture with its two end caps with a brushed-aluminum look that visu­ally con­nects the product with the ceil­ing attach­ment part (also with brushed alu­min­um fin­ish) to give a continuity/integrated look to the design. The glob­al shape looks ser­i­ous, and geo­met­ric, but with enough radi­uses and details to ensure that the product does not look too sharp. The cable con­nect­or and screws are hid­den behind alu­min­um cov­ers to give to the light­ing fix­ture a purer and uni­fied look. The alu­min­um attach­ment parts receive the logo of the brand, which is laser engraved.

Mockup of the concept B

Realization of shape mockups in order to veri­fy the geo­met­ries, pri­or to final­iz­a­tion of the design.

Initial concept C, high-end positioning

This concept offers a very dis­tinct­ive archi­tec­ture, which stands out from the ceil­ing. It high­lights the extruded shape, and has a shape junc­tion effect with its radi­us bent shape at both ends. The fix­ture attach­ment and enclos­ing parts are mat alu­min­um, to make stand­ing out the 4 cov­er parts (2 per end) which have a ver­tic­al brushed alu­min­um fin­ish to give to the fix­ture a very robust feel­ing. Screws and bolt are hid­den, so the glob­al shape of the fix­ture also looks purer and more eleg­ant. The brand­ing is laser engraved on a chrome part, to make it look high end.