
Touchscreen babyphone — standard design study

Babymoov, French lead­er in baby mon­it­or mar­ket thanks to an audio high per­form­ance range, wanted to launch a new ultra innov­at­ive mod­el to main­tain its lead­ing pos­i­tion and increase its expert image on baby mon­it­ors. Innovation focused on the “Touch Screen” tech­no­logy, com­bined with a design made to high­light the very innov­at­ive nature of the product: mod­ern­ity, sim­pli­city of lines, ultra flat front cab­in­et, sleek design. This new gen­er­a­tion of baby mon­it­or can con­trol up to 4 cam­er­as, activ­ated remotely, have a night-light and a lul­laby, a pro­gram­mable motion detect­or, a tem­per­at­ure indic­at­or and has a Wifi sig­nal range of 250 meters.

Backstage of the project

Competitors’ trend analysis

Babymoov is well posi­tioned in the mar­ket for low-end baby mon­it­ors. The high-end offer is more com­pet­it­ive with new brand com­ing on the mar­ket, issued from the phone mar­ket (Samsung, Motorola), offer­ing mod­els whose design are inspired by mobile phones with high tech­no­lo­gic­al added value.

Project trend pos­i­tion­ing & Technology choice

Conciliate soft and reas­sur­ing shapes with high-tech products’ ser­i­ous­ness. Glossy black flat front cab­in­et, (like iPad) and white curved back cab­in­et, fol­low­ing the shape of the hand, with a matte non-slip treat­ment. Soft col­ors.
The ini­tial selec­ted touch­screen tech­no­logy was of capa­cit­ive type (screen covered with a glass sur­face, like the iPad, to give a feel­ing of flat sur­face to the entire front of the product). Finally, the tech­no­logy used was of res­ist­ive type, which did not allow the product to show a front made of one sur­face (the screen could not being covered with a full glass sur­face). It was there­fore neces­sary to adapt the design to give min­im­al visu­al impact to the screen dis­play glass and front cabinet.

Technical, cos­met­ic & first shoot­ing samples follow-up

-Verification & val­id­a­tion of engin­eers’ CAD files from design point of view.
-Management of size, col­or ref­er­ences and exact place­ment of print­ings (logos, pic­to­grams, func­tions, fonts…) on the product,
-Creation of the silk­screens files for all pro­duct’s parts (doc­u­ment man­dat­ory for pro­duc­tion),
-Materials of each parts of the product (choices made by engin­eers and repor­ted by us),
-Color ref­er­ences of each parts of the product (Pantone, CMYK, DIC…),
-Description of sur­face fin­ishes of each parts of the product,
-Aspect of all parts of the product (mater­i­als and fin­ishes),
-Accuracy of col­ors of all parts of the product,
-Aspect and pos­i­tion­ing of the print­ings of all parts of the product,
-Quality of assembly, cine­mat­ic, sound qual­ity of the product,
-Consistency and over­all per­ceived qual­ity of the product.