
Consumer luggage range — product identity study

Strengthen the image of the brand Carlton on the semi-rigid lug­gage con­sumer sec­tor. The mar­ket seg­ment is premi­um, provid­ing a more eleg­ant style to fam­ily lug­gage. This two wheels range (upright) con­sists of 3 sizes of lug­gage (from cab­in to large) and semi-rigid Polycarbonate shells with zip system.

Backstage of the project

Project trend axis

Sober but trendy col­or codes inspired from the premi­um car mar­ket (Citroen DS4), strong sym­bol of the jour­ney with style. Simple and soft shapes, while bring­ing a touch of per­son­al­ity thanks to strong struc­tur­al lines.

Design research

Research of an over­all simple shape (like a pebble), struc­tured by 2 ver­tic­al lines of force, giv­ing a read­ing dir­ec­tion to the product, nat­ur­ally bring­ing the detail of the front stor­age, the pro­tect­ive bump­er at the bot­tom of the lug­gage and also the retract­able handle. A front net on the vent­ral shell helps to carry a news­pa­per, a drink, or an umbrella.