
Powerboard Pro P05 “Plug Boss”

This pro­ject is part of a wider study, which pur­pose was to define the evol­u­tion of the design codes of HPM Legrand on its range of power­boards for pro­fes­sion­als, for the Australian market.

For the “Plug Boss” range, we worked on the main body of the power­board to improve its grip and bring a heavy duty visu­al aspect to it, as it is inten­ded for con­struc­tion sites. The product is ver­tic­al, a little nar­row, to be taken eas­ily with one hand, even with con­struc­tion gloves. Choice of a black & yel­low code, recall­ing the uni­verse of con­struc­tion machines and the HPM logo visu­al chart. Solution with an easy grip and a large hook at the end of power­board, to hang it any­where eas­ily, in order to always keep the power­board near your­self when you’re work­ing. Cable man­age­ment sys­tem integ­rated in the body of the product.

The power­board and its packaging.

Backstage of the project

Project trend positioning

Heavy duty product uni­verse. Products with sol­id look, made to be used on con­struc­tion sites. Color codes to bet­ter identi­fy the func­tions, from a single glance. Inspiration from a crane remote con­trol (ver­tic­al product, single hand usage, sobri­ety, clear indic­a­tions). Grips and con­spicu­ous pro­tec­tions, form­ally (generous/oversized parts), but also graph­ic­ally (high-contrast, black/yellow, orange/dark grey).

Practicality and dur­ab­il­ity first (sol­id fasten­ers, pro­tect­ive hull), exposed CHC screws. The product will be used to power pro­fes­sion­al tools (very tech­nic­al tools), on con­struc­tion sites (heavy gears with heavy duty look).