
Black & white video door range — standard design study

Designing a CRT black & white low end video-door for the Chinese mar­ket, to help the Shidean-Legrand brand strength­en­ing its cor­por­ate image on the highly com­pet­it­ive mar­ket of video-door. We designed it with a con­tem­por­ary archi­tec­tur­al style to give it a premi­um appear­ance to the product. The product have mod­ern lines, and slim­mer look (recessed product), des­pite an aging CRT tech­no­logy. It was mod­ern­ized, thanks to a flat sil­ver trans­par­ent fil­ter on the screen, which gives the product a more flat appear­ance, and a mir­ror effect when it is off.

Backstage of the project

Direct and indir­ect com­pet­it­ors analysis

Direct com­pet­i­tion does not really offer products with premi­um style. We do not notice any par­tic­u­lar style that stands out. Direct com­pet­i­tion takes few risks from a design point of view.

Indirect com­pet­it­ors show very inter­est­ing style of research, such as brand Siedle & Söhne or Gira. Products with min­im­al­ist­ic archi­tec­tures styles, with high­light­ing of fin­ish­ing details such as col­or but­tons, front cab­in­ets, to bet­ter coordin­ate its video-door in accord­ance to its own interi­or dec­or­a­tion. The products are qual­it­at­ive, and minimalistic.

Study trend positioning

Offer archi­tec­tur­al products, with simple but strict shapes, with a treat­ment of white and trans­par­ent col­or, to give some pur­ity effect to the product, but also a time­less side, des­pite the use of aging CRT technology.