
Baby monitor Cocoon — innovation study

The com­pany Solitech wanted to offer an innov­at­ive product in terms of shape to bet­ter pos­i­tion them­selves on the European mar­ket for safety/baby products. Well-rounded, both soft and enig­mat­ic, it keeps a coher­ence of shape between the par­ent unit and the baby unit (for aes­thet­ic reas­ons, but also cost optim­iz­a­tion, the rear plastic shell is used on both, the par­ent mod­ule and cam­era mod­ule). The baby unit incor­por­ates a night­light in addi­tion to its cam­era, and can be put, or clamped on fur­niture. The par­ent mod­ule incor­por­ates a col­or LCD screen.

In 2017, Cocoon has been awar­ded by an M Joy Design Award.

Backstage of the project

Competitors mar­ket analysis

Most of the video baby mon­it­ors on the mar­ket have a style close to the toy trend, but a baby mon­it­or is a secur­ity object, it is not a toy. Others have a style linked to the world of high tech video mon­it­or­ing, espe­cially for the cam­era mod­ule. But, it’s a product used by par­ents to keep an eye on their little one, so the product can­not be “cold” and imper­son­al. We note that Philips pur­poses products with well-finished in terms of style, by provid­ing details of fin­ishes which soften the product visu­ally, without toy effect.

For this pro­ject, so we decided to work more cocoon­ing ambi­ence, a form that reas­sures, sober, but close to the baby universe.