
Wiring device GR — standard design study

Strengthen the pos­i­tion­ing of TCL Legrand in the field of wir­ing device with sur­face mount­ing on the Chinese mar­ket. Even in apart­ments, in China, most of the wires are inside a mini trunk­ing. The chal­lenge was to ima­gine a full range of wir­ing devices with sur­face mount­ing that takes into account this mar­ket spe­cificity without sac­ri­fi­cing the product aes­thet­ics. Bring a “bonus fea­ture” to ease of install­a­tion. But also respect the con­straints of stand­ard sizes of Chinese sock­ets and switches, as well as standards.

Backstage of the project

Market sur­vey

The loc­al Chinese mar­ket shows a mul­ti­tude of brands with very little design con­sist­ency between the wir­ing device and the trunk­ing. The mar­ket is rather rur­al and the choice of this type of device is mainly driv­en by retail prices. 2 key points to con­sider dur­ing the design study: the safety of use and install­a­tion and the ease of assembly.