Industrial design, a solid heritage : sketching to think faster

Our industrial design process is totally based on what our peers established, almost a century ago. Why? Simply because it has been working perfectly for so long…

… and also because, in order to achieve best res­ults, the design pro­cess needs to be respec­ted to the let­ter. At Nickel‑Chrome, we know very well that there is no such thing as design­ers who spe­cial­ise in one type of item. Industrial design­ers can design almost any­thing. And the only dif­fer­ence of skills between design­ers is the exper­i­ence they have with the design pro­cess and its con­stant applic­a­tion on dif­fer­ent products, mar­kets, brands and pos­i­tion­ing. We also stress out that if indus­tri­al design­ers are sketch­ing, it is only because it is, so far, the fast­est way avail­able for them to con­ceive a product from scratch. Sketching is a tool to them, not an intention.

Nickel-Chrome, development strategy + industrial design + engineering, certification & manufacturing management.

Our approach

We are working with an international iterative design process. Therefore, each stage is validated and approved before going to the next.

Having those reg­u­lar check points is the best way for you and us to con­trol the pro­gres­sion of the pro­jects. At each stage, we give you our explan­a­tions, jus­ti­fic­a­tions and recom­mend­a­tions, as indus­tri­al design must remain prag­mat­ic at all times and in regards of object­ive criteria.

Nickel-Chrome, an ally at all steps

Our 5 stages iterative process

Our process is iterative; we validate each stage before going to the next. It starts with the very first idea. It finishes with the final adjustments for manufacturing.

Stage 1: Design requirements

Definition of your object­ives & con­straints and poten­tial issues.

We build togeth­er the right frame for your pro­ject, so we can enrich it with our long exper­i­ence from the very beginning.

Stage 2: Analysis

We ana­lyse your mar­ket (dir­ect com­pet­it­ors, indir­ect com­pet­it­ors), as well as the usage scen­ari­os for the products to be designed.

We also ana­lyse the design trends. We do this so we can know your mar­ket and enrich our cre­ativ­ity with prag­mat­ic & use­ful insights.

Stage 3: Creative research

We start the research with sketch­ing and we con­tin­ue it with 3D CAD drawings.

We elim­in­ate the unsat­is­fy­ing con­cepts and we refine the prom­ising ones. That way, we can present you only good con­cepts to choose from.

We also cre­ate mock-ups.

Stage 4: Design finalisation

From your val­id­ated choices and com­ments, as well as what we learnt from the mock‑ups done in stage 3, we refine and optim­ise the design in its details, includ­ing its cos­met­ics inten­ded for manufacturing.

Then, when everything is fine, we export our 3D files to engin­eers and/or factories.

Stage 5: Follow-up

We work with engin­eers to solve all tech­nic­al prob­lems and final cost problems.

We also adapt the design, if necessary.

We con­tin­ue by optim­ising the cos­met­ics of the products, as well the first shoot­ing samples, so your products look & feel as good as they can be.

Detail of our industrial design process

Our 4 different services in

industrial design

Standard design study

A Standard Design Study focuses on the attractiveness and relevance of your products. It is the simplest way to design good products.

We integ­rate all the tech­nic­al and ergo­nom­ic spe­cific­a­tions to meet the func­tion­al require­ment of your product but do not chal­lenge the over­all product architecture.

This type of study is inten­ded for short-term manufacturing.

Nickel-Chrome, a turnkey service

Product identity design study

A Product Identity Design Study increases the scope of a Standard Design Study in order to develop your brand identity through new products. The aim is to reinforce the presence of your brand on the marketplace with stronger and more recognisable design codes enabling customers to identify your brand better through your products.

Once we have cre­ated a more attract­ive and con­sist­ent brand image, your new product iden­tity will become a baseline for future product development.

This type of study is inten­ded for short and midterm manufacturing.

Nickel-Chrome, a turnkey service

Innovation design study

An Innovation Design Study increases the scope of a Standard Design Study in order to build new products and solutions. Reassessing customer needs and product uses, we completely rethink your product in order to design truly innovative products.

To do this, we rework design con­cep­tu­al­isa­tion and product archi­tec­ture as well as aes­thet­ics, and we incor­por­ate your brand design codes. Your products will be more innov­at­ive, not neces­sar­ily just tech­nic­ally or tech­no­lo­gic­ally. They will be bet­ter suited for con­sumer use and more impact­ful than those of your com­pet­it­ors. 

This type of study is inten­ded for short and midterm industrialisation.

Nickel-Chrome, a turnkey service

Prospective design study

An Innovation Design Study increases the scope of a Standard Design Study in order to build new products and solutions. Reassessing customer needs and product uses, we completely rethink your product in order to design truly innovative products.

As indus­tri­al design­ers, we use and devel­op our ana­lyt­ic­al skills every day and for many dif­fer­ent brands and products. This allows us to:

  • identi­fy and har­ness cur­rent and poten­tial tech­no­lo­gic­al advances,
  • mon­it­or social and soci­et­al devel­op­ments and pro­ject their impact in the near future,
  • under­stand cur­rent trends and explore future developments,
  • define your brand image and ima­gine its future development,
  • cre­ate new product-concepts based on these cri­ter­ia (pur­pose, uses, style, etc…).

This type of study is inten­ded for long‑term manufacturing.

Nickel-Chrome, a turnkey service