Manufacturing & export management:

a reliable process

Our manufacturing & export management process was built on the best practice of international companies in different industries so it could match or exceed all European companies’ needs.

Nickel-Chrome’s man­u­fac­tur­ing & export man­age­ment pro­cess is the best way to make sure the engin­eered designs are man­u­fac­tured the right way, respect­ing both the brand image and the defined golden samples. Why? Simply because it is the same teams who designed the products who are in charge of man­aging their man­u­fac­tur­ing. It is also the safest way for cli­ents to keep their devel­op­ments in China under con­trol, with planned & clear reports and experts super­vising, advising, guid­ing and report­ing everything at each step; all so there is no room for errors or loss of time dur­ing the man­u­fac­tur­ing and export.

Nickel-Chrome, development strategy + industrial design + engineering, certification & manufacturing management.

Our approach

We are working with an international iterative manufacturing process. Therefore, each stage is validated and approved by you before going to the next.

Having those reg­u­lar check points is the best way for you and us to con­trol the pro­gres­sion of the pro­jects. At each stage, we give you our explan­a­tions, jus­ti­fic­a­tions and recom­mend­a­tions, as engin­eer­ing must remain prag­mat­ic at all times and in regards of object­ive criteria.

Nickel-Chrome, an ally at all steps

Our 4 stages iterative process

Our process is iterative; we validate each stage before going to the next. It starts with the ordering of the golden samples. It finishes with the export management.

Stage 1: Golden samples ordering

Review of all the product doc­u­ment­a­tion and update it (if necessary).

Reconciliation of all the product doc­u­ment­a­tion and con­firm­a­tion with all parties. Order the man­u­fac­tur­ing of the golden samples.

Stage 2: Golden samples creation

Manufacturing and val­id­ate the golden samples which will be the ref­er­ence for qual­ity con­trol dur­ing all the mass production.

Stage 3: Mass production

Gathering in one place all the doc­u­ments needed and com­plete the first order of mass pro­duc­tion. Inspect the first order, so the fact­ory can then com­plete all the oth­er orders alone.

Stage 4: Export management

Checking the fact­ory has pre­pared all the doc­u­ments for the cus­toms and arranged for ship­ping the products in good conditions.

Report to the cli­ent. Random product inspec­tions. Supervision of the pro­cess of con­tain­ers loading.

Detail of our

manufacturing & export process  (ironclad mode)

Our 4 different services for

manufacturing & export

Standard manufacturing

(lean mode)

A standard manufacturing is used to guide and support a factory in the manufacturing of the client’s product, but on a kind of product the factory already has experience with. For example: a kettle that replaces the model they were producing for the last 5 years. The lean mode of the standard manufacturing removes the NON-ESSENTIAL paperwork and checkpoints for a faster and more cost-efficient manufacturing. This manufacturing service is very efficient and compatible with most factories.

Nickel-Chrome provide assist­ance, guid­ance and advice to the fact­ory at all steps and provide reg­u­lar and object­ive reports to the cli­ent, for an easy and stress-free mass man­u­fac­tur­ing. Nickel-Chrome make sure the golden samples respect all the defined stand­ards and, later that the man­u­fac­tured products match the val­id­ated golden samples.

In the case of con­tinu­ous or mul­tiple mass man­u­fac­tur­ing ses­sions, Nickel-Chrome will con­duct spon­tan­eous inspec­tion, to make sure all pro­ced­ures in place and qual­ity of raw mater­i­als are still in place.

Nickel-Chrome, a turnkey service

Standard manufacturing

(ironclad mode)

A standard manufacturing is used to guide and support a factory in the manufacturing of the client’s product, but on a kind of product the factory already has experience with. For example: a kettle that replaces the model they were producing for the last 5 years. The ironclad mode of the standard manufacturing increases the manufacturing time but provide you a fully documented process at all steps, with the maximum reports and checkpoints possible. The ironclad mode should only be used by clients with the most demanding project management process and factories used to such high-end process.

Nickel-Chrome provide assist­ance, guid­ance and advice to the fact­ory at all steps and provide reg­u­lar and object­ive reports to the cli­ent, for an easy and stress-free mass man­u­fac­tur­ing. Nickel-Chrome make sure the golden samples respect all the defined stand­ards and, later that the man­u­fac­tured products match the val­id­ated golden samples.

In the case of con­tinu­ous or mul­tiple mass man­u­fac­tur­ing ses­sions, Nickel-Chrome will con­duct spon­tan­eous inspec­tion, to make sure all pro­ced­ures in place and qual­ity of raw mater­i­als are still in place.

Nickel-Chrome, a turnkey service

Advanced manufacturing

(lean mode)

An advanced manufacturing is used to guide and support a factory in the manufacturing of the client’s product, but on a kind of product the factory has no experience with. For example: a food processor with built-in scale and led light for a factory who never made food processors. The lean mode of the advanced manufacturing removes the NON-ESSENTIAL paperwork and checkpoints for a faster and more cost-efficient manufacturing. This manufacturing service is very efficient and compatible with most factories.

Nickel-Chrome provide assist­ance, guid­ance and advice to the fact­ory at all steps and provide reg­u­lar and object­ive reports to the cli­ent, for an easy and stress-free mass man­u­fac­tur­ing. Nickel-Chrome make sure the golden samples respect all the defined stand­ards and, later that the man­u­fac­tured products match the val­id­ated golden samples.

In the case of con­tinu­ous or mul­tiple mass man­u­fac­tur­ing ses­sions, Nickel-Chrome will con­duct spon­tan­eous inspec­tion, to make sure all pro­ced­ures in place and qual­ity of raw mater­i­als are still in place.

Nickel-Chrome, a turnkey service

Advanced manufacturing

(ironclad mode)

An advanced manufacturing is used to guide and support a factory in the manufacturing of the client’s product, but on a kind of product the factory has no experience with. For example: a food processor with built-in scale and led light for a factory who never made food processors. The ironclad mode of the advanced manufacturing increases the manufacturing time but provide you a fully documented process at all steps, with the maximum reports and checkpoints possible. The ironclad mode should only be used by clients with the most demanding project management process and factories used to such high-end process.

Nickel-Chrome provide assist­ance, guid­ance and advice to the fact­ory at all steps and provide reg­u­lar and object­ive reports to the cli­ent, for an easy and stress-free mass man­u­fac­tur­ing. Nickel-Chrome make sure the golden samples respect all the defined stand­ards and, later that the man­u­fac­tured products match the val­id­ated golden samples.

In the case of con­tinu­ous or mul­tiple mass man­u­fac­tur­ing ses­sions, Nickel-Chrome will con­duct spon­tan­eous inspec­tion, to make sure all pro­ced­ures in place and qual­ity of raw mater­i­als are still in place.

Nickel-Chrome, a turnkey service