
Video door Color IU-P03 — standard design study

Imagine a col­or video door for the brand BTicino. Bring a high-end large screen video door for the fol­low­ing mar­kets: Asian, Australian, European and South American. This video door has a 7 “LED touch screen.

Backstage of the project

Study trend positioning

This video door takes inspir­a­tion from the high-end elec­tron­ics uni­verse, with a “flat screen” effect. Research of shape sim­pli­city, and high­light of fin­ishes which gives a premi­um effect to the product. Main lines with archi­tec­tur­al and min­im­al­ist style, in order to max­im­ize the effect of “big screen”.

Concept Stage

The “big screen” effect is brought by min­im­al­ist­ic main lines and a black glossy front treat­ment to max­im­ize the per­cep­tion of the screen real estate. The use of a touch screen allows to make all func­tion but­tons dis­ap­pear and dis­play only dis­crete graph­ics. Two hori­zont­al chrome bars rein­force the big screen effect feel­ing. The lacquered black and chrome fin­ishes rein­force the pro­duct’s premi­um out­look and anchor more firmly in the world of high-end elec­tron­ic products.