E‑paper post-it concept — prospective study (horizon 2015)
We imagined for the Japanese SME QUO-Industry what could be the Post-it tomorrow. The world is more and more concerned about the use of resources and sustainable development. So, we worked on a simple to use and very intuitive Post-it, with the use of a prospective technology that would make it reusable: the flexible color touch screen.
E‑note concept has been designed to help people to realize that even a small post-it could be used and reused many times, and saving resources. But, also, to facilitate the life of everyone.
E‑note is using the tactile and flexible electronic paper technology, and is powered by a solar captor. E‑notes can be stuck, and unstuck, easily and durably, with special “Gecko” glue, inspired by nature and the lizard of the same name.
E‑note is coming with a visual alarm function, 8 possible colors of message display and can be used many times.
Some e‑notes written by the Nickel-Chrome design team.
Backstage of the project
Design research
We worked on the scenario of use of e‑note so it can offer the simplest usage possible. E‑notes needed to work intuitively, hence the use of handwriting recognition. Writing Call David at 8:30 pm is enough for e‑note to ask you confirmation to remind you to call David at 8:30 pm today. If you add a date to the message, e‑note will suggest you change the alert for the given day and time. The different colors of e‑notes also had to be easy to choose from for the color-blind people.
The color choice wheel therefore indicates in text (in the center of the wheel), the name of the selected color, if the stylus stays on it. When you release the stylus, the e‑note changes its background and text color to match your color choice.
The e‑note packaging has been designed to be composed of a maximum of recycled elements. The base of the e‑note allows to protect the e‑notes in the cardboard packaging. It is useful also to receive the stylus, and to help e‑notes which lost their date and time settings (because of lack of solar power, if they stayed in a drawer for a long time, for example), to recover the right settings from other e‑notes in the notepad.