
Walkie-Talkie Pro User — standard design study

Imagine a walkie-talkie with a pro­fes­sion­al look, for out­side & inside use for the European mar­ket. Management and integ­ra­tion of tech­nic­al com­pon­ents (PCB and exist­ing com­pon­ents provided by the com­pany Solitech), to design the most suit­able product archi­tec­ture, and to provide a com­pact and ergo­nom­ic product.

A delib­er­ately simple form­al style to stand out of the mar­ket. A more pro­fes­sion­al look, led by a choice of code col­ors (black / orange) from the tools and con­struc­tion sites trend, with a rein­forced extern­al antenna and a shock­proof rub­ber over mold­ing, to ensure a good grip and assert the style of the walkie-talkie range Pro User.

Backstage of the project

Competitors mar­ket analysis

A rather het­ero­gen­eous mar­ket in terms of shape style. The semi-professional walkie-talkies seem mostly quite tech­nic­al or com­plic­ated to use. Motorola, the mar­ket lead­er, offers a wide range of walkie-talkie from semi-professional to walkie-talkie for the extreme con­di­tions. We note 2 inter­est­ing mod­els (Oregon Scientific and Doro) that stand out from the mar­ket by a sim­pler shape style and struc­tur­al ele­ments giv­ing the feel­ing that the product is stronger and bet­ter fin­ished, espe­cially for the mod­el from Oregon Scientific.