Every busi­ness pro­ject involves many suc­cess­ive steps until it is real­ised, but also requires a wide vari­ety of dif­fer­ent expert­ise through­out its exe­cu­tion.

Nickel-Chrome, development strategy + industrial design + engineering, certification & manufacturing management.
Pantone marker Nickel-Chrome

Development strategy

Sometimes, it is hard to know for sure what new product to develop for the next years. Lack of new ideas or time to innovate? Looking for new business opportunities?

We are here to bring you our expert­ise and our impar­tial extern­al eye and fresh per­spect­ive. We brain­storm intern­ally, then in a joint effort with your teams.


New busi­ness opportunities

Business mod­el rethinking

Boost strategy

Brand strategy

Brand/products DNA Identity

Distribution strategy

Pricing strategy

Communication strategy

Project require­ments

Industrial design

Knowing your market & costs is very important! But if your products are not standing out on the market…

We design any kind of product and our prag­mat­ic & cre­at­ive approach will provide you with great designs, all tailored for European taste. We work in the respect of your cost con­straints and we make sure that your products will stand out from your com­pet­it­ors the right way.

Product / indus­tri­al design

Service design

Packaging design

Retail design


Technical & man­u­fac­tur­ing follow-up

Perceived qual­ity control

A prototype example.
Nickel-Chrome, an efficient accompaniment suited to all industries


Because physical models are the best to test and improve any designs, it is crucial to test all designs with mock-ups and prototypes.

We take care of everything, so you just need to wait to receive the pro­to­types and our reports on modi­fic­a­tions to con­duct in order to improve each design.

Mock-up/Prototyping strategy (types, quant­ity, tests, order of tests…)

3D files preparation



On-site follow-up

Mock-up/prototypes ana­lys­is

Report on modi­fic­a­tions to conduct

Delivery of mock-ups/prototypes

Validation of modifications

Execution of modi­fic­a­tions 

Engineering & certification management

You have good designs? Cool! But that is not enough, as your customers do not buy nice designs, they buy good products for a price.

We are here to help you optim­ise your designs in all their details so they can be eas­ily man­u­fac­tured, in a rel­ev­ant way and at a reas­on­able cost. We advise, guide and assist your fact­ory in all the devel­op­ment stage, includ­ing the certifications.

Requirements & certifications

Engineering eval­u­ation

Cost eval­u­ation

Design optim­isa­tion

Engineering man­age­ment (mech­an­ic,

elec­tron­ic, elec­tric, optic, software)


CAD of mould management

Nickel-Chrome, an efficient accompaniment suited to all industries
Packaging design example

Manufacturing & export management

We designed / optimised / engineered your products with your factory, so now it is time to bring your new products to life!

We advise, guide and assist your fact­ory to man­u­fac­ture everything, includ­ing the pack­aging. For you, it is all stress free as we are here to sup­port and con­trol the pro­cess, but also report to you in an effi­cient and trans­par­ent way. And in a cost-efficient way.

Mould man­u­fac­tur­ing management

Mould veri­fic­a­tion

First shoot­ing samples

Optimisation of pro­duc­tion lines

Golden samples

QC con­trols


Custom clear­ance


Marketing advice & support

During the development & manufacturing of your product, you need to develop all your marketing elements, from a catchy product name to the perfect advertising.

Because we were work­ing on your product since the very begin­ning, we can either sup­port you (we make for you) or advise you (we tell you why and how you could improve), so you can have the right mar­ket­ing ele­ments to give the best chances for your product to be a success.

Design gen­es­is (for social medias/communication)

Product nam­ing

Product pho­toshoot (for pack­aging, web­site, ad)

Owner manu­al design

Design award applic­a­tion (we take care of everything for you)

Additional cos­met­ic range


Advertising or product web page